Industry Invaders mp4

Of course that is a total lie but they convince them. Other times I forced to be striped naked and to serve the guests rheir dinner and the guests at any time may do anyhing they want to me if the feel the urge to do so. I am m ade to suck cock under thedinner table or eat pussy and if the guest says that I am not performimg up to their standards then I am taken to the center of the room and thay all can take turns using me and punishing me and there are no limits to what they csn do to me. The only limit is their imagination and it can be quite brutal at times and all of them just laugh and joke and call me names and really enjoy inflicting the abuse and I am always made to thank them.Right now I am being made to masturbate for the group as they call me names and humiliate me. My master then says " bitch I have a special suprise for you. I am blindfolded and restrained and then I feel hands on me and I do not know who or what is going to happen next . A sharp slap acroos my face and. I decided to rededicate myself to school; by then I was in my senior year. George was jealous of my sudden studiousness, he wanted me to spend more time with him - meaning doing a lot of coke; I told him no way. I didn't deny him anything else. Although sex was ... well some of the pain relief drugs he took had a negative affect on his ability to perform. I was available, he just wasn't always able to get it up."One night he wanted sex and I was studying for a test so I said "no." We got into a huge argument and I held my ground about the importance of studying. I mean why waste an hour sucking on a limp dick; that was time I could use more wisely. Being the smart ass I was I came right out and told him that. He went ballistic in a way I had never seen. He grabbed me, dragged me to our bedroom and he tied me to our bed. I punched and kicked him, that just made him crazier. He ripped my clothes off, then his came off. Damn if he didn't have an erection and he damn well used it. He.
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